Sunday, May 25, 2014

Coconut cardamom panna cotta

I originally made this as a vegan dessert with soy milk, but I've adapted it here for regular milk.  Panna cotta is deceptively simple, and this recipe adds a special twist with flavors of coconut and cardamom.  Adapted from BBC Good Food


serves 4

4 leaves of gelatin (1.25 t powder, can be substituted with the appropriate quantity of agar agar)
250 ml milk (whole or semi-skimmed)
250 ml cream of coconut
1 vanilla pod, split down the middle
splash (1 cap-full) of brandy
1-2 dried cardamom pods (2 for more flavor)
1/4 c caster sugar
pinch of salt
fruit or nuts to garnish - try pineapple, pistachio, or blueberries

  1. Combine milk, cream of coconut, and gelatin in saucepan - let sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Scrape vanilla bean seeds into cream/coconut mixture, then add the vanilla pod, brandy, and cardamom
  3. Heat over medium-high, stirring constantly until gelatin is dissolved - remove from heat when when mixture is about 135F/57C (do not let it boil)
  4. Stir in salt and sugar, and mix until they are dissolved
  5. Strain vanilla bean and cardamom pods - then pour mixture into small ramekins and cover with plastic wrap
  6. Refrigerate for 2-4 hours, until the panna cotta is set
  7. Optional: unmold panna cotta by dipping each ramekin in boiling water for 3 seconds, running a moistened finger or knife around the edge of the custard to gently pull it away from the side of the ramekin, then inverting the custard over your hand and gently easing it onto a plate

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