Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simple Thai Curry

You can make this with any vegetables you want, you just need to adjust the cooking times. Recipe adapted from Cooks Illustrated.


2 (14oz) cans coconut milk (unsweetened)
2 T (for spicier curries use more) curry paste
2 T fish sauce
2 T brown sugar
vegetables, chopped into bite-sized pieces (sweet potato, green beans, red peppers, eggplant, tofu, etc.)
fresh basil leaves for garnish


1) Spoon off about 1 cup of the solid layer of coconut cream at the top of the can. Heat cream and curry past in a large skillet and simmer on med-high heat, stirring, for about 5 minutes, until the mixture separates into colored oil and coconut solids and the curry paste is frying and aromatic.
2) Stir in rest of the coconut milk, fish sauce, and brown sugar. Stir in vegetables and cook until done over med-low heat. (A good order is potatoes/turnip/carrots, then eggplant/beans/pepper, and lastly things like brocolli/mushroom.)

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